Cleaning of houses, cottages, apartments
Don't deny yourself the pleasure of living in perfect cleanliness
Cleanliness in the apartment is the basis of comfort for all its inhabitants. Often, having a busy work schedule, it is extremely expensive to maintain regular cleaning in the house, and even more so for a general cleaning of the premises. Entrust the cleaning of the living space to professional employees of the cleaning company Griffin - a favorable decision. Entrust us not the most pleasant part of household chores to free up time and energy for your family and other household chores.
We will do it for you!
Griffin's professional team of specialists are well stocked with good inventory and quality detergents to ensure that you get a really high quality and safe home cleaning at a pleasant cost.
Our services
- Wet cleaning
- Kitchen cleaning
- Bathroom cleaning
- General cleaning of the apartment
- Make you a very satisfied customer
Popular questions
Price list
Maintenance cleaning/ comprehensive daily or daily wet cleaning/ contract cleaning | from 8.00 (per sq.m.) |
General cleaning | from 12.00 (per sq.m.) |
Cleaning of flooring (tile, laminate, industrial flooring) | from 12.00 (per sq.m.) |
Urgent general cleaning | from 16.00 (per square meter). |
General cleaning after the holidays | from 16.00 (per square meter). |
Calling technicians for maintenance cleaning (at least 4 hours per order) | from 30,00 (man/hour) |
Calling an additional loader worker (at least 4 hours per order) | from 75.00 (man/hour) |